Discover the profound significance of sacred geometry in art.

Have you ever contemplated the essence of Sacred Geometry? I did. I had never seen or understood the images I paint until 2019 during a rather unbelievable meditation. It’s a long story that I won’t go into right now ..BUT.. I was fascinated from that day forward. Recently, I had the privilege of having my work featured in an article for Project High Art, shedding light on the profound significance of these time-honored images. This article offered a comprehensive explanation of their inherent qualities, affirming that every painstaking hour spent in the creative process has been unequivocally worthwhile.

..”Art has the remarkable ability to transcend boundaries, taking us on journeys to uncharted territories of the mind and spirit. For artist Erica Haupert, this transcendence is deeply rooted in the realms of mythology, religion, and sacred geometry. With a profound respect for these themes, Haupert’s work is a reflection of her exploration of the mystical and the technical, resulting in a body of art that is both emotionally charged and technically intricate…

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Thank you for your interest!

Sacred Geometry, Geometric symbols, Golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence, Platonic solids, Vesica Piscis, Flower of Life, Metatron’s Cube, Seed of Life, Sri Yantra, Mandala, Geometric patterns, Harmonic proportion, Symbolic geometry, Divine proportion, Geometric shapes, Geometry in nature, Esoteric geometry, Spiritual geometry, Geometric art

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